27.06.2003, 18:42 Uhr ![[UoF]Destin hat dieses Thema begonnen.](images/threadstarter.gif) |

 Lord Riflegren
![Avatar von [UoF]Destin.](userpics/up_0000000027.jpg) Posts: 1518 Rang: nicht mehr zu Rettender |
Sense of life is to live
Just imagen all this here
The earth, the sky, the universe
Would'nt be there
You could not be
You could not think
And have never been
Can't miss what you don't Know
But can enjoy what you see
What you saw
There is no sense to be
For every thing that is and was
If nothing is
It does not matter
But if something was
And then it's gone
You'll miss this like the sense for it ___________________________________________________________ __________ Der Tod bedeutet leben in Freiheit ohne Pflichten ohne Verletzung,
lass mich entfliehen von dieser Welt und lass mich in Freiheit leben
Signatur: |
It is said that,
He, the compassionate one , cared for all the people...
He, the enlightened one, continued to watch over the village...
He, the courageous one, fought alone to protect everyone,
It is said.... |
27.06.2003, 19:04 Uhr ![[UoF]Destin hat dieses Thema begonnen.](images/threadstarter.gif) |

 Lord Riflegren
![Avatar von [UoF]Destin.](userpics/up_0000000027.jpg) Posts: 1518 Rang: nicht mehr zu Rettender |
ich würd nur gern wissen was ihr dazu sagen könnt ______________________________________________________ _______________ What if you slept? And what if, in your sleep, you dreamed? And what if, in your dream, you went to heaven and there plucked a strange and beautiful flower? And what if, when you awoke, you had the flower in your hand? Ah, what then?
Signatur: |
It is said that,
He, the compassionate one , cared for all the people...
He, the enlightened one, continued to watch over the village...
He, the courageous one, fought alone to protect everyone,
It is said.... |
30.06.2003, 14:37 Uhr ![[UoF]Destin hat dieses Thema begonnen.](images/threadstarter.gif) |

 Lord Riflegren
![Avatar von [UoF]Destin.](userpics/up_0000000027.jpg) Posts: 1518 Rang: nicht mehr zu Rettender |
also nix......... _______________________________________________ ______________________ What if you slept? And what if, in your sleep, you dreamed? And what if, in your dream, you went to heaven and there plucked a strange and beautiful flower? And what if, when you awoke, you had the flower in your hand? Ah, what then?
Signatur: |
It is said that,
He, the compassionate one , cared for all the people...
He, the enlightened one, continued to watch over the village...
He, the courageous one, fought alone to protect everyone,
It is said.... |
01.07.2003, 20:55 Uhr ![[UoF]Destin hat dieses Thema begonnen.](images/threadstarter.gif) |

 Lord Riflegren
![Avatar von [UoF]Destin.](userpics/up_0000000027.jpg) Posts: 1518 Rang: nicht mehr zu Rettender |
? ____________________________________________________________ _________ What if you slept? And what if, in your sleep, you dreamed? And what if, in your dream, you went to heaven and there plucked a strange and beautiful flower? And what if, when you awoke, you had the flower in your hand? Ah, what then?
Signatur: |
It is said that,
He, the compassionate one , cared for all the people...
He, the enlightened one, continued to watch over the village...
He, the courageous one, fought alone to protect everyone,
It is said.... |
05.07.2003, 14:54 Uhr |

![Avatar von [UoF]Acid.](userpics/up_0000000067.jpg) Posts: 1076 Rang: Forum Süchtiger |
nein aber das gedicht sagt dass es glaubt zu wissen was der sinn des lebens ist sonst würde das da ja net stehen.
ich weiß schon was du damit meintest aber der sinn des lebens kann ja net gleichzeitig sein zu leben und gelebt zu haben
13.07.2003, 21:54 Uhr |

 Administrator Clan Leader
![Avatar von [UoF]Nepu.](userpics/up_0000000001.jpg) Posts: 3081 Rang: Forum Inventar |
Scheint sich sonst keiner für zu interessieren. Aber wir lassen das mal so stehen... :B
_________________________________________________________ ____________ © by [UoF]Nepu
Signatur: |
What ever goes around
comes around | |