23.03.2003, 16:45 Uhr |

 Posts: 2023 Rang: nicht mehr zu Rettender |
mannschaftsbesprechung _____________________________________ ________________________________ Wenn man in UT 5 leute Killt heißt es 'Monsterkill', in Quake 3 'Excellent' und in CS... Kicked by Console
25.03.2003, 20:34 Uhr |

 Posts: 339 Rang: Stammposter |
internatsregeln ance1: ___________________________________________________________ __________ soo far Von vAmp
over and out
::: [+[UoF-T]vAmp]: monologe sind so Lang *gähn* weilig :::
-IRC Quote von wem wohl?
Signatur: |
soo far von vAmp
over and out
:itchy: |
25.03.2003, 22:19 Uhr |

 Posts: 2023 Rang: nicht mehr zu Rettender |
regelblutungen ;-) ________________________________________________________ _____________ Wenn man in UT 5 leute Killt heißt es 'Monsterkill', in Quake 3 'Excellent' und in CS... Kicked by Console
31.03.2003, 21:00 Uhr |

 Lord Riflegren
![Avatar von [UoF]Destin.](userpics/up_0000000027.jpg) Posts: 1518 Rang: nicht mehr zu Rettender |
juhuu, wenn wir neu machen, kann ich wieder mitmachen;D
pausenbrot _____________________________________________ ________________________ Something has been taken from deep inside of me
A secret ive kept locked away, no one can ever see
Wounds so deep they never show, they never go away
Like moving pictures in my head for years and years they've played
Signatur: |
It is said that,
He, the compassionate one , cared for all the people...
He, the enlightened one, continued to watch over the village...
He, the courageous one, fought alone to protect everyone,
It is said.... |
31.03.2003, 21:01 Uhr |

 Lord Riflegren
![Avatar von [UoF]Destin.](userpics/up_0000000027.jpg) Posts: 1518 Rang: nicht mehr zu Rettender |
juhuu, wenn wir neu machen, kann ich wieder mitmachen;D
pausenbrot:sleep: ___________________________________________________________ __________ Something has been taken from deep inside of me
A secret ive kept locked away, no one can ever see
Wounds so deep they never show, they never go away
Like moving pictures in my head for years and years they've played
Signatur: |
It is said that,
He, the compassionate one , cared for all the people...
He, the enlightened one, continued to watch over the village...
He, the courageous one, fought alone to protect everyone,
It is said.... |
02.04.2003, 16:06 Uhr |

![Avatar von [UoF]CapM.](userpics/up_0000000037.jpg) Posts: 503 Rang: Oberratgeber |
Schrankwand ____________________________________________________________ _________ Hail my brothers
Signatur: |
Hail my brothers
CapM - oder auch der heimliche Matt Hesselbeck des Insta Squads |
03.04.2003, 18:59 Uhr  |

 Posts: 402 Rang: Ratgeber |
KARTEnhaus _________________________________________________ ____________________ Wer Bremst verliert.Wer Gas gibt stirbt.

Signatur: |