» Thema: Was hört ihr gerade immo? |
13.02.2005, 03:53 Uhr |

 Lord Riflegren
![Avatar von [UoF]Destin.](userpics/up_0000000027.jpg) Posts: 1518 Rang: nicht mehr zu Rettender |
Freundeskreis - A.N.N.A.
"....die kleidung ganz durchnässt
klebte an ihr fest....
die tasche in der hand
stand sie an der wand....."
Signatur: |
It is said that,
He, the compassionate one , cared for all the people...
He, the enlightened one, continued to watch over the village...
He, the courageous one, fought alone to protect everyone,
It is said.... |
Beitrag editiert: 13.02.05, 03:57 von [UoF]Destin 1 mal |
15.02.2005, 17:47 Uhr |

 Lord Riflegren
![Avatar von [UoF]Destin.](userpics/up_0000000027.jpg) Posts: 1518 Rang: nicht mehr zu Rettender |
@chris: jopp das ist geil
Thomas D. - Gebet an diesen Planet
Signatur: |
It is said that,
He, the compassionate one , cared for all the people...
He, the enlightened one, continued to watch over the village...
He, the courageous one, fought alone to protect everyone,
It is said.... |