» Thema: Welche Sportarten "macht" ihr ? |
13.03.2005, 18:24 Uhr |

 Lord Riflegren
![Avatar von [UoF]Destin.](userpics/up_0000000027.jpg) Posts: 1518 Rang: nicht mehr zu Rettender |
waaas? ich will auch so nen verein......
Signatur: |
It is said that,
He, the compassionate one , cared for all the people...
He, the enlightened one, continued to watch over the village...
He, the courageous one, fought alone to protect everyone,
It is said.... |
30.05.2005, 16:10 Uhr |

 Posts: 12 Rang: Lehrling |
ich spiele fussball und habe angefangen zkateboard zufahren.
(hey peace du wirst schon noch ne freundin finden vllt die nexte woche oder monat ..oder jahre... hehe,bin gemein...)
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Good luck and have fun guys.
Elune daidie, ashaf elan.  |
02.06.2005, 12:43 Uhr |

 Posts: 55 Rang: kann tippen |
well, i played for a professional football team for about 7 years since i was 8, i am very good at it and i also did play for Everton and Liverpool school boys. I am hoping to join another team and make it pro, this is because the other team (Wrexham) went bankrupt and had to stop the youth in order to make money. Also i like table tennis, badminton, athletics. I am a very sporty guy
Signatur: |
04.09.2005, 16:52 Uhr |

 Posts: 76 Rang: kann tippen |
also ich mag TT auch, nur will ich nciht in den Verein, weil dort lauter wixer drin sind... da vergess ich es lieber.
Ansonsten spiele ich gerne Klavier und betreibe e-sports ^^