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Und noch ein Patch - http://www.uof-clan.de/apboard/thread.php?id=1454
Geschrieben von Løcø am 30.10.2004, 10:30:
wie auf UTCTF.de zu lesen wird die tagen eine neuer Patch kommen der die CPU entlassten soll. somit dürften auch die jungs die nicht "toll bestückt" sind das spiele nun auch mit etwas mehr fps geniessen dürfen.
Hier die News:
Ein neuer Patch wurde angekündigt. Dieser soll mehere Team Balance, Gameplay, Netcode und Demo-Red Probleme beheben. Desweiteren soll dieser Patch auch die CPU von dedizierten UT2004 Servern entlasten. Hier der erste Teil des kompletten Changelogs.
General Gameplay:
* Fixed Berserk combo (properly turns client side weapon changes on and off)
* Fixed quadjump mutator in multiplay (was only allowing regular double jump on first jump)
* Fixed gamespeed mutator "sticking" in instant action games
* Don't let Cicada passengers carry flag (for VCTF)
* Added OnslaughtBP.UCL to patch so bonus pack mutators will show up
* Fixed problem with landing view shake sometimes not working at very low frame rates
* Fixed bug where not all actors got NotifyTeamChanged() when client team changed
* Assault objective announcements can come from packages other than AssaultAnnouncer
* IonCannonKillVolume bug fixes
* Don't allow players to change teams if team sizes are equal if bPlayersBalanceTeams is true
* Fixed team balancing code bug
* Fixed footstep sounds playing while in vehicle where driver isn't visible if enter while running
* Removed obsolete weapon debugging code
Demo recording:
* Fixed client-side demo recording of vehicles
* Fixed WebAdmin play list to report the proper ping.
* Fixed resetting initial position of saved move when moves are combined
* Increased min idle kick time to 30 seconds
* Never idle kick player if only human in game
* Moved gamespeed option in URL parsing to after mutator spawning, so gamespeed can be set from URL
* More speedhack detection tweaks (less false positives)
* Server CPU use improvements relative to last patch
* Consider CPU saturation in determining whether to do extra work on server to reduce bandwidth use for low bandwidth clients
* Fixed map list menu problems with bonus vehicles and custom link setups.
Mod Author Related:
* Fixed spider physics view direction setting bug
* Added (slow) full dangling reference checking (server side only) option. Logs dangling references which could cause a crash during gameplay or on GC. Use only for testing, as it is very slow, by adding bServerRefChecking=true to the [Engine.Engine] section of UT2004.ini. Run a dedicated server with bots, connect to it to start it up, and let them go at it.
Onslaught related:
* Added a gunner indicator for the Cicada.
* Onslaught low skill bot AI tweaks
* Max lifespan for shot down ONSMortarCamera
* Fixed regular dust showing when Manta jumps over water
* Fixed Cicada staying above StallZ if driver switches to gunner position
* Fixed SPMA engine sound volume
* Tweaked powercore destruction and electricity sounds
* Improved artillery explosion effect
Sobald es einen Link geben sollte werden wir euch natürlich sofort informieren
Geschrieben von Surfels am 30.10.2004, 10:47:
Geschrieben von Reavor am 22.09.2005, 20:58:
welcher ist eigentlich der aktuellste???
Soweit ich weiß ist die neuste Version 3355
Geschrieben von GAST am 23.09.2005, 19:18:
3355 ist die aktuellste. 
Bei www.uof-clan.de im DL-Bereich zu finden. 
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